“Call Unto Me and I Will Answer!”
The Lord released this prophetic word through Lisa Spangenberg on August 5, 2022. God is calling His church to call on Him!
(See full ROAR Ministries live stream from August 5, 2022 – https://fb.watch/f237GBqSue/ – and advance the video to 8min26sec)
Hallelujah. Ekklesia, Ekklesia, OH EKKLESIA! Oh, My Ekklesia! That’s you, church: the Ekklesia, the called-out ones, the ones that I have called out, the ones that I have separated unto Myself, the ones who I have sanctified, the ones I have purified, the ones that I have called unto Myself. I call unto you now! Hear Me, oh church. Hear Me, oh My beloved. You are My beloved. Hear Me, hear Me. He who has ears to hear, My beloved, hear Me.
I am calling unto you, to call unto Me: call unto Me and I will answer! Call unto Me and I will answer. Who is calling for Me? Who is calling unto Me? Who desires Me? Who is calling for Me to come into the earth? Who is calling forth for My kingdom to come and for My will to be done in the earth even as it is in heaven?
For there is much that I am doing, there is much that I am doing. Can’t you see it? Can you hear it? Can you feel it? Call out to Me and I will answer, I will come. I am already here. I am already shaking. I am already doing My will in the earth. And I need you to agree with Me, I need you to call to Me, I need you to work with Me. Pray to Me, call to Me, cry out to Me and I will come, I will answer you.
Hallelujah, he who has ears to hear, eyes to see, and a heart to receive, hear what the Lord is saying: It is you, My bride - it is you, My bride - My beautiful bride - it is you who must call for Me.
Even as My chosen ones in Israel must call to Me, in the end times they must call for their Messiah, and I will come riding on the clouds to rescue them, in their hour of desperation. Even so, hear and know: you My bride must call to Me, and I will answer you, I will show My wonders, I will show My miracles, I will show My wonder-working power in the earth, in this day and in this time. But you must call for Me, you must pray to Me, you must ask Me, and I will pour out upon you My Spirit again, in signs and wonders and miracles!
Lisa then led us in this prayer of response to that Prophetic Word:
We believe, we believe, we believe oh God. We reject the spirit of the world that says that You aren’t alive, that You’re not there, that You’re not real. We reject that spirit, Lord God, that says all is lost. We reject that spirit, Lord God, that says that You’re weak and that You don’t do things anymore, that it was only in the Bible, that it was only in biblical times. We reject that, Lord God! And we say, “No!”
You are a God Who is alive, that You are active, and that You are still doing the same things today that You did in the “Bible times” - hallelujah, Lord God - that Your miracles are still active today. Lord, we declare that You are working, that You are a miracle-working God, that You are a powerful God, that You Lord God are working on our behalf. We just have to open our eyes, and open our ears.
Hallelujah, hallelujah. Thank You, Lord. Hallelujah, we thank You Jesus, we thank You Lord, that You are a God of miracles. [Praying in tongues…] Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Lord God, we just receive the dunamis power of the Holy Spirit, Your miracle-working power, oh Lord, that is alive and active today! Hallelujah, thank You, Jesus.