“I am coming to set you free”
The Lord released this prophetic word through Lisa Spangenberg on September 2, 2022. A great outpouring of freedom is coming.
(See full ROAR Ministries live stream from September 2, 2022 – https://fb.watch/fm8m8xH_6d/ – and advance the video to 17min8sec)
I hear the Lord say:
“Fear not, My flock. Fear not, My little flock, My precious ones, those who are called by My name. Fear not, for I have overcome the world. And there are those, there are those who are making declarations and decrees, and they set themselves up in their little kingdoms.
“But I say that their kingdoms shall fall. Their kingdoms shall fall. For there is one Kingdom: the Kingdom of Heaven. And I have set My Son as King over all the earth. He is the King of kings, and He is the Lord of lords. And We sit in heaven, and We laugh at those who have plotted against My Anointed. They plotted against Me, they plotted against My Kingdom, the Kingdom that shall continue forever, the Kingdom that shall never end.
“But the enemy thinks that he can destroy it, but I laugh, I laugh, I laugh. And I say that My Kingdom shall come, and My will shall be done on earth even as it is in heaven. For I know the times and the seasons, and I have appointed all things in the earth. For they are Mine to appoint, not the enemy’s.
“And I have said, and I have declared, that I am sending forth My Spirit. I am sending forth My Spirit to destroy the kingdoms of the enemy that he has tried to set up with all his minions and all his followers. For I shall destroy his kingdom, and I shall set the captives free to follow Me. I shall set the captives free that they should follow Me. Those who have been taken in by the lies and the deception of the enemy, I am coming to set them free. For My Spirit shall go forth over all the earth, and I shall awaken those who are asleep.
“And My glory shall be seen in the earth again. My great glory is going to go forth: it is coming, it is coming, it is coming. Despite what you hear, despite what you see that’s being spread about – the false rumors, the lies that are being sent forth declaring the plans of the enemy.
“But don’t listen to them! Don’t listen to them. Listen to Me. Listen to your Shepherd, for I am the good Shepherd, and My sheep know My voice, and they shall not listen to the voice of another, they shall not follow the voice of another. You shall not be deceived, but look to Me, for I am the Truth, I am the Truth, I am the Way and I am the Light.
“And in Me you will find refuge, in Me you will find safety, for I am the King and the Ruler over all the earth. So come to Me, come to Me, My children, and trust in Me, believe in Me. For I am your Provider. I will provide for you. I will make a way for you. So do not fear, but trust in Me. For I am coming to set you free.”