An Outpouring of Faith

The Lord released this prophetic word through Lisa Spangenberg on July 29, 2022. The Lord is pouring out faith, and in response we renounce unbelief! (Just before she gave this word, her husband Carl said he felt faith rising up, faith in the Word of God and in the Gospel, with signs and wonders following.)

(See full ROAR Ministries live stream from July 29, 2022 – – and advance the video to 24min7sec)

Even as Carl was speaking about faith, I could sense that there is an outpouring of faith that is coming into the body of Christ. There is an outpouring of faith that is coming. Some of us maybe have struggled with faith, but there is coming a grace, there is coming a special outpouring of faith to the body of Christ. And I heard the Lord say, “An outpouring of miracles, an outpouring of signs and wonders and miracles.” Lord, we receive that word, we receive faith, oh God, the gift of faith, oh God. Lord, the outpouring of signs, wonders and miracles.

Oh Lord Jesus. Lord, that we would have faith again. Hallelujah, Lord. I ask, oh God, that you would deliver us from a spirit of unbelief that has fallen upon the church and upon the world. Deliver us, oh God, from the spirit of unbelief. Lord we just say right now that we reject unbelief, we renounce unbelief. We ask, oh God, we just declare the spirit of unbelief to be broken off of us. Forgive us, oh God, for unbelief. Oh Lord Jesus, forgive us for not trusting You, for not looking to You, for not trusting in You, for not believing in You, Lord God. Lord, we reject unbelief, we renounce it, oh God, w break its power over our minds and over our spirits and over our souls, oh God, in the name of Jesus.

And Lord we receive from You, we receive the gift of faith, oh God, that we could walk in greater power, Lord God, that we would walk according to the way You walked, oh Lord. For You commanded us, oh God, to go forth in Your name, to preach the Gospel, to heal the sick, to drive our demons, and to raise the dead. Hallelujah, Lord, we accept that commission, oh God. We accept Your commission, oh God. We receive it, Lord, and we set our hearts and our minds on going into that, we’re setting our faces towards those goals oh God, to go forth in Your name, the ekklesia, Lord, the church of the risen Lord! You are not a dead god, but You are a risen Lord with resurrection power. Hallelujah!

Thank You, Lord. Thank You, Lord, that You have power, limitless power, dunamis power, miracle-working power—and that You give it to us, because You sent the Holy Spirit forth to help us. Thank You, Lord. Thank You, Jesus.


“Call Unto Me and I Will Answer!”


All Nations: Come to Jesus!