The Lord Is Sending Locksmiths to the Church

The Lord had Carl Spangenberg write down this prophetic word on July 28, 2022, and then release it during his message livestreamed the next night (July 29). This is a word for the collective church of all believers in Christ and speaks of how the next great awakening is going to be unlocked.

(See full ROAR Ministries live stream from July 29, 2022 – – and advance to 2h7m15s)

I preach and prophesy to you today, that those who sow discord among the brethren in the church are going to lose their voices, they will wane and soften until you can’t hear them anymore. And the spirit of grace and supplication is coming upon the church in such a way as they will repent of their arrogance, and instead favor others over themselves, and a great awakening shall ensue. The church’s renunciation of the “six… even seven” divinely hated behaviors, is a key to this revival, this awakening. But the Lord has the key and is turning it in the lock. The Lord is sending locksmiths to the church, who will unlock this spirit of supplication, and as the church returns to prayer and true worship of God, not just in song but in life, the world will begin to wake up. And what a great stirring, a great awakening, it shall be. Thus says the Lord of Hosts!


All Nations: Come to Jesus!


Britain the Great